Child & Family Extension Service
Andheri YMCA, New D.N. Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 053
Tel: +91 22 2630-3076 / 2630-3065
Email: andheri@ymcabombay.com
Child and Family Extension Service (CFES) Child and Family Extension Service – CFES – was started to cater to the slum communities near the Andheri YMCA with 20 children a few years ago but grew tremendously now covering 300 children from Goregaon West to Santacruz West.
It arose out of this situation to support the families in the existing location and provide financial help in terms of school fees and other benefits like school bags, notebooks and other accessories.
To support the education of the deserving needy students.
To re-enrol those who have given up school on account of inability to pay fees.
To encourage parents to shift children to better schools.
To encourage parents to provide education to the girl child, persuading them to continue their education rather than pulling out girls after secondary school education.
In some cases to change to English / Hindi / Marathi medium schools from mediums such as Urdu particularly in the cases of girls.
To broaden their outlook and give opportunities to develop leadership skills and learn about nature and the environment by staying at the YMCA campsite, etc.
To expose children and parents to better living, motivation, health & hygiene, taking care of the environment etc.
Outstation Camp to Nilshi
Bag & Stationery Distribution
Medical Camp
Christmas Programme
Follow Up
Scrutiny Committee Reviews
Tuition Classes