The Young Men’s Christian Association is spread across 6 continents and is structured under various zones as displayed below for efficient working.
Asia & Pacific Alliance of YMCAs
23, Waterloo Road, 6/F, Kowloon, Hongkong
Africa Alliance of YMCAs
State House Avenue, State House Cresent, PO Box - 60856, Nairobi, Kenya
World Alliance of YMCAs
12 Clos-Belmont, 1208 Geneva, Switzerland
Alianza Latinoamericana Y Del Caribe De ACJs
Latin American & Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs, 3085 Bayer Blvd. A-103, San Diego, CA 92154 USA
European Alliance of YMCAs
Na Porici, CZ-115 30 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Middle East Committee
Middle East Committee of YMCAs, c/o National Council of YMCAs, 72 El Gomhouria Street, Cairo, Egypt
North America
YMCA of USA, 101 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, il - 60606-7386
YMCA Canada
42 Charles Street, 6th Floor, Toronto, ON M4Y 1T4
National Council of YMCAs in India
Bharat Yuvak Bhavan, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi - 110 001
9 Regions
510 YMCAs
Bombay YMCA has had close relations with the Municipal Authorities, NGOs, Corporates, Churches and other entities to support, collaborate and sponsor various projects. These are the friends of the YMCA.