MEMBERSHIP: Any person of good moral character irrespective of race, class or creed, who is in sympathy with the objects of the Association will be eligible for membership in the following categories of membership.
PRINCIPLES OF THE YMCA: The YMCA seeks to help young people to develop their wholesome personality, mind, body and spirit on sound principles. The basis and model for the YMCA is the personality of Jesus Christ whose life and teachings from its guiding principles. The word Christian in the name indicates the spirit behind the YMCA and its motivation.
The YMCA is cosmopolitan in membership. It recognized no difference in race, religion, caste, community or class.
BOARD’S APPROVAL: All applicants will be admitted as members subject to the approval of the Board which reserves the right (a) to reject any application without assigning a reason (b) to terminate the membership of any person for willful violations of rules or whose conduct is deemed prejudicial to the interests of the Association without assigning any reason. An application may be required to appear before a committee prior to admission.
ARREARS: A member whose membership fee is in arrears for one month or more shall cease to be entitled to the privileges of membership.
Types of Memberships
(a) Junior Membership
Any person who is not more than 18 years of age are eligible for membership of the Association who shall apply in writing to the Association for membership and pay the prescribed entrance fee and membership fee in advance may be admitted as a JUNIOR MEMBER of the Association for a YEAR.
(b) Student Membership
Any person who is not LESS than 18 and not more than 24 years of age are eligible for membership of the Association who is a student of a school, college or institution recognized by the Board who shall apply in writing to the Association for membership and pay the prescribed entrance fee and membership fee in advance may be admitted as a STUDENT MEMBER of the Association for a YEAR.
(c) Associate Membership
Any person of not less than 18 years of age are eligible for membership of the Association who shall apply in writing to the Association for membership in the prescribed form and pay the prescribed entrance fee and subscription in advance may be admitted as an ASSOCIATE-ACTIVITY MEMBER of the Association for a YEAR.
(d) Metropolitan Membership
Any person of not less than 18 years of age are eligible for membership of the Association requiring facilities of the Association at all Branches, Departments, Centers of the Association and who shall apply in writing to the Association for membership and pay the prescribed entrance fee and membership fee in advance may be admitted as a METROPOLITAN MEMBER of the Association for a YEAR with privileges as laid down in the Bye-laws.
(e) Life Membership
The Board may elect as Life Member any person over 18 years of age-eligible for membership of the Association who pays to the Association such sum as a donation as may from time to time be fixed by the Board. Such donation shall form part of the corpus of the Association and will be used for capital projects.in advance may be admitted as a LIFE MEMBER of the Association for LIFE with privileges as laid down in the Bye-laws.