Outreach & Development Centre of Excellence
Methodist Centre, 21 YMCA Road, Opp YMCA International House,
Mumbai Central, Mumbai – 400008
Tel: +91 89768 93593 / 22 23096774 / 23099563
Email: ord@ymcabombay.com
The Outreach department, the Socially visual arm of the Bombay YMCA has touched and changed the lives of scores of people from the time it started activities. The poor, destitute, downtrodden of society are part of this very important department. Every year new activities and programs are added to reach out to a new area of need as they are discovered. YMCA’s special concern for the marginalized community in Bombay goes back to 1923 when Naigaum was identified for work among the poor and lower-middle-class Indian Christians.
This later grew into a full-fledged community service among the industrial workers of all groups. The Social Service Department was created in 1925. The welfare work, started among the poor Indian Christians at Naigaum, was later thrown open to all the inhabitants irrespective of caste and creed. In order to establish rapport with the people by breaking down barriers of suspicion and strangeness, the YMCA opened a night school and also organized lantern lectures, entertainment programs and plays.
Vocational Training Centre, Balwadis, Co-operatives for women, Pre School Education, Informal Education for Adults, Scholastically Backward Students learning program, Night Study Centres, Midday Meal Programme, SSC Students’ Coaching Classes, AIDS Awareness.